Friday, May 10, 2013

Tip 8: Get you a light box

I just happen to love most if not all of the jewelry I make and if I had my druthers, I'd probably not sell nary a one. But as you know the satisfaction earned from someone buying something you've made is incredibly rewarding (It also supports our bead joke...Alcoholics Anonymous ain't got nothing on us! :) )  Ok...let's go!

From everything I've heard and gathered from my beading friends over at +Auntie's Bead Chat, a light box is important to taking good photographs of our awesome products!

A Light box
So what is a light box?  A light box is a device that photographers use to create soft light. There are two types light boxes in photography. The first type, also called soft boxes and chimeras, is placed directly on a light, turning the direct harsh beams into soft diffused light. The second type of light box, sometimes called a light tent, is a small white box that you can use as a set for photographing small objects. It provides a uniform white background, while the white sides allow even, diffused light to pass through. 

I just did a quick Google search and light boxes can be bought most stores, Amazon and probably even on eBay.  But this tip is about saving money so the goal is to make your own...

Make your own Light box.  This link talks your through 15 steps to create your inexpensive box using a cardboard box and white construction paper some other materials too.  If you are more like's a youTube video that works just as well...unfortunately (or fortunately), I was able to find one on Amazon for less than $40 (not including S&H) that included 4 color backdrops (blue, red, white and black); 2 lamps and the "box" itself.  Now I just need to use the darned thing....

Can't wait to see what your amazing creations look like!

Happy Beading!

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